Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

架构师提供的文本描述。这座房子位于山口长和市森崎地区的Higashi hukawa。这是一个被称为沙洲的平坦地形。在这个自然丰富的地方,我们建造了三个仓库和八个屋顶。

Text description provided by the architects. This house is in Higashi hukawa, Senzaki area, Nagato city, Yamaguchi. This site is a flat topography called sandbank. On this site rich in nature, we built three storage places and eight roofs.

© Norihito Yamauchi

(Norihito Yamauchi)

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects


Around Three storage places (closet, pantry, entrance cloak) are arranging rooms with relationships around.Three storage places are circulation flow line planning.

© Norihito Yamauchi

(Norihito Yamauchi)

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

© Norihito Yamauchi

(Norihito Yamauchi)

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects


Doing so will create flow and rhythm in the lives of the living. On the other hand, the roof of the building is divided into eight. The divided roofs are hanging from step by step.

© Norihito Yamauchi

(Norihito Yamauchi)

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Section A-A


Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

© Norihito Yamauchi

(Norihito Yamauchi)

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects


Step by step roof will create a gap between the roof and the roof. Doing so allows we to capture light and wind into the room. Three storage places and eight roofs enrich our lives.

© Norihito Yamauchi

(Norihito Yamauchi)

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects

Three storage places and Eight roofs Kakinomifarmarchitects


Jambreiro House Marcos Franchini + Flávia Lutkenhaus

2019-1-23 14:00:00


北京300m²顶级轻奢大平层 | 北京恒田建筑设计

2019-1-23 22:20:00

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