JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室


US studio JHL Design emphasised “the interplay of light and shadow” and other classic Japanese principles when turning a vacant penthouse in Portland into a tech firm’s office space.


波特兰市中心的建筑始建于1927年,尽管在项目启动之前已经空了很多年。 俯瞰城市的大型玻璃窗使它成为该技术公司新办公室的理想选择。

The downtown Portland building was constructed in 1927, though had been empty for many years before the project was initiated. Large glass windows that overlook the city lent to its desirability as a new office for a technology company.


JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室

JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室


JHL Design的创意总监Liz Morgan坚持保留混凝土斜墙,以增强空间的粗糙感。“墙壁是建筑物丰富的历史质感的一部分。双重斜坡的屋顶和山墙屋顶窗增加了建筑物的历史感。”在处理混凝土地面时,还意外地发现了古老的水磨石残余物。

Concrete angled walls enhance the feeling of roughness in the space, which Liz Morgan, JHL Design’s creative director, was adamant on keeping.”The walls are a part of the building’s rich historical texture,The mansard roof and gabled dormers are particularly unusual for an office space and add to the historical quality of the building.”Old terrazzo remnants were unearthed unexpectedly while treating the concrete floors.


JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室

JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室



In contrast to traditional offices, the central space was left opened “to accentuate the high ceilings and angled architecture”. The free-flowing design was chosen to be more suitable for casual gatherings, flexible work space and communal dining.



Morgan envisioned an intimate entryway off of the elevator that would create an interesting transition walking into the brighter, full-height space. The lower ceiling and dark-stained wallpaper would also conceal mechanical equipment overhead.


JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室

JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室


由于客户曾在京都居住了数年,这对日本的形式和材料产生了微妙的情感。 Morgan选择了阿拉斯加黄柏来建造办公室墙壁系统。 与此相辅相成的是手工编织的纺织品和地毯、纹理纹理的石头、手工上釉的瓷砖和随着时间推移自然泛黄的铸铜。

JHL Design’s clients had also lived in Kyoto for several years, which influenced subtle nods to Japanese forms and materials. Morgan selected Alaskan Yellow Cedar for the construction of the office wall system. Complementing the aesthetic are hand-woven textiles and rugs, textured stone, hand-glazed ceramic tiles, and cast bronze that naturally patinas over time.



“In our exploration of Japanese architecture, we were inspired by the emphasis on the interplay of light and shadow to create poetic moments that evoke emotional and sensorial responses,” she said.


JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室

JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室

JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室

JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室

JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室

JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室

JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室

JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室

JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室


∇ 平面图 plan

JHL Design | 波特兰一家技术公司的阁楼办公室


项目名称:studio penthouse
设计公司:JHL Design
摄影:Haris Kenjar



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