鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 享用艺术和生活。是少数存在于生活区里的艺术空间融合体。设计表现藉由建筑空间构成与实际需求,满足一层艺术画廊,二层定制体验功能。设计起点受到原研哉先生视觉传达的影响。

▼建筑外观,exterior view

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

What are we talking about when we talk about art?
The design performance is composed of architectural space and actual needs to meet the first floor art gallery, the second floor custom experience function. The design starting point is influenced by Mr. Hara’s visual communication.

▼入口区域,entrance area

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

“设计师造就出来的,是空间里的无” 。两只手合在一起,造就一个无的空间,这正符合艺术展厅的需要。拉丝不锈钢拼接地面,白色墙面和天幕照明系统,明亮均匀营造无影空间。节制、让步、超然的理性背景为感性艺术提供展示空间。

“Designers create, is the space of no” two hands together, create a space of no, this is in line with the needs of art exhibition hall. Brushed stainless steel splicing ground, white wall and sky curtain lighting system, create a bright and even shadowless space. Temperance gives way to detached rational background to provide display space for perceptual art.

▼一层艺术展厅,art exhibition hall

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

To have nothing is to have. Nothing is everything. And so does art.

▼展厅细部,interior detailed view

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司


Step by step, the staircase is a texture Mosaic of symmetrical marble, combined with stainless steel plate, a tangible sense of control avant-garde, so that the transition of wall color is attractive and full of unknown.

▼大理石楼梯,the marble staircase

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司


In the experience space themed with deer derivative products, the specific life state finds balance and fun in art, which is appciated without attachment. In order to meet the needs of art salon and daily gathering, there are six open areas in the second floor for kitchen storage room, toilet and bar display cabinet. Focus on the visual color effect. Contains supme, happy auspicious meaning of tortoiseshell color echo simple line to show artistic bone feeling.

▼二层空间概览,overview of the upper level

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司


鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

▼酒吧区域,bar area

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

▼室内细部,interior view

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司


The whole glass curtain wall of the original building is transformed into rectangular Windows to ensure the privacy and create a trance feeling. As if from the outside through the realistic idea of landscape painting, and it seems to be the hustle and bustle of the outside world at every turn shallow. The expssion of “useless use, just have great use” design is artistic. The column changed from square to round weakens the sensory boundary, making it clear, steady and comfortable.

▼矩形窗与光影,the rectangular window and light

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

▼共享餐桌,the shared dining table

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司


Art influences life, and life brings profound reflection and interptation to art. The distance between art and life may be on the daily commute. If you eat every meal carefully, you can turn your life into art.

▼家具细部,furniture detailed view

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司


The creation of designers is also art. It must have its own thinking. Technique is the tool, expssion is the result. With thinking, there will be really good works.

▼一层平面图,plan level 1

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

鹿与 生活艺术空间,沈阳 / 有田建筑空间设计有限公司

项目名称:鹿与 生活艺术空间
项目设计 & 完成年份:2019.02
主创及设计团队:田然 常宁 马玉婷 李赛赛 解雅涵 杨兵冰
客户:鹿与 生活艺术空间


大思设计未来空间 | “燕城茶壶”大师作品禅意空间

2019-10-5 14:28:31



2019-10-16 16:54:48

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