外滩1898:住宅及办公室 The Bund 1898 Apartment – Office

由HBA香港团队设计 Project Designed by HBA Hong Kong 公寓 Apartment

项目是位于新兴艺术设计区的豪华住宅样板房,设计上注重材质及形式感。硬朗的建筑线条与引人注目的大理石,黄铜及木材构建出极富量感的室内空间。多款艺术家具为客厅及餐厅区域营造出独特的待客氛围。除此之外,房间内陈列的艺术品及设计细节更是修养和个性的体现。 A lavish residential showflat situated in an emerging arts and design district, the design is an indulgence of materials and form. Strong architectural lines coupled with dramatic marbles, brass, and rich timber create dramatic and intensely opulent volumes. A collection of artistic furniture creates a unique living and dining space in which to entertain guests. Art pieces and details repsent self-cultivation, emphasizing character and individuality.

外滩1898:住宅及办公室 The Bund 1898 Apartment - Office

外滩1898:住宅及办公室 The Bund 1898 Apartment - Office

外滩1898:住宅及办公室 The Bund 1898 Apartment - Office

外滩1898:住宅及办公室 The Bund 1898 Apartment - Office

外滩1898:住宅及办公室 The Bund 1898 Apartment - Office

本项目位于新兴的艺术与设计区,考虑到这一因素,我们尝试打造一个可以反映所处社区多元文化的销售处。由该项目住宅设计汲取灵感,我们意识到办公空间和居住空间的界线正变得越来越模糊。理察·塞拉风格的蜿蜒曲线分区设计把客人引向图片展示区及办公空间,开启精心策划的短暂旅程。 Situated in an emerging arts and design district, we set out to create a sales office which would reflect the diversity in the neighbourhood. Cues taken from residential design are the inspiration, appealing to a market for whom the line between office and home is increasingly blurred. Serraean partitions curve and swoop to guide visitors along a carefully curated journey into both the gallery and office space.

外滩1898:住宅及办公室 The Bund 1898 Apartment - Office

外滩1898:住宅及办公室 The Bund 1898 Apartment - Office

外滩1898:住宅及办公室 The Bund 1898 Apartment - Office

外滩1898:住宅及办公室 The Bund 1898 Apartment - Office

外滩1898:住宅及办公室 The Bund 1898 Apartment - Office

外滩1898:住宅及办公室 The Bund 1898 Apartment - Office

HBA国际上海代表处 上海市静安区常德路800号C1栋2层



2020-6-11 23:10:38



2020-6-11 23:11:58

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