Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

DAS Lab作为DAS Design的子公司,成立于上海,是由创始合伙人兼创意总监李京泽领导的实验设计工作室。我们致力于为多元化的商业模式、文化、零售、餐饮、酒店等提供高品质的设计服务,并致力于为行业提供独特的高水准商业设计作品。

Founded in Shanghai, DAS Lab, as a subsidiary of DAS Design, is an experimental design studio led by founding partner and creative director Li Jingze. We aim to provide high-quality design services with devotion to exploring the cutting-edge and forward-looking creative solutions to pluralistic business formats, culture, retail, F-B, and hotel whilst contributing unique high-standard commercial design works to the industry.

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店


The designer abstructed elements from the complexity of post-industrial age to create interesting spaces with mechanical aesthetics.

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店


A brand is a tool of cultural communication. In the interior design of HEYTEA store at Hongqiao Xintiandi, we chose space as a medium and try to find the core of emerging brands of tea drinks from local market, and to establish a unique identity of this pioneering brand.

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

从品牌的身份——“茶的灵感”出发,DAS Lab试图在空间语境下将地域符号与当代零售联系起来。设计理念由三个部分组成:国际化的美学结合地域符号的地域性和时代性;商业空间中高度识别的焦点;建筑材料和工艺的可重复性。

Extended from the brand’s identity — “inspiration of tea”, DAS Lab tries to connect the territorial symbol and the contemporary retail under spacial context. The concept of the design is composed of three parts: internationalized aesthetic combines the locality and contemporaneity of territorial symbols; highly recognizable focal points in commercial spaces; the reproducibility of construction material and crafts.

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店


The space, structured by stainless steel in sliver gray, made a distinct contrast with the large area of red mortar, conveying the idea of a balance between the store’s business performance and the brand’s cultural value. The red mortar simulated the texture of rammed earth, a traditional material in China, which delivered a vigorous power when in comparison with the lightness of the structure, thus an oriental sense of control and release is raised within the space.

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店


The idea of Local is a respond to Eastern context, territorial culture and business performance after a thorough study upon them. Such respond brought back the nature of locality. At the same time, the contemporary space interpted the brand of HEYTEA and conveyed its soul to the widest customers.

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店

Das Lab新作丨后工业时代的机械美学喜茶体验店


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