清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

项目名称:郑州迎宾路 3 号 55#下叠样板间

设计公司:JSCC 极舍文化创意(上海)有限公司

参与设计:郝正林 张艺莹




清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

JSCC 极舍文化是一家位于上海的室内设计公司,专注于产品和住宅空间之间的内在关系。设计主张回到建筑的原点开始梳理,思考“形式的消去,构筑的追寻”,探索建筑和空间内在的秩序。

JSCC is an interior design firm based in Shanghai that focuses on the internal relationship between products and residential space. JSCC advocates returning to the origin of architecture and starting to comb, thinking about the elimination of form, the pursuit of construction, and exploring the internal order of architecture and space.

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

Simple, natural and comfortable

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化


Inspired by the design principles of minimalism and contemporary architecture, JSCC carefully considers the structure, site location and client demands, aiming to create a quiet and comfortable space aesthetic atmosphere through the connection between light and nature.

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化


The lighting of the two floors below ground is not ideal, but the JSCC sees it as a challenge, not a disadvantage. A carefully designed hollowing method is adopted to introduce natural light to the basement level, and at the same time bring more different views.

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化


The plane layout draws lessons from le Corbusiers free plane and free facade in architectural elements, blurring the boundaries between Spaces, making the space flexible, free and unrestrained. Moving between different scenes is the pursuit and enjoyment of beauty beyond function.

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

Simple, smart and elegant

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化


Simple elements and natural materials are used to create a plain space with moderate relaxation. The seemingly simple light wood tone quietly releases the most primitive shock of life and the direct elegance of the heart.

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化


Out of awe and respect for the structure, the design retains the original expssion of the columns as much as possible, making the living environment more pure. The essence of design is not to imitate nature, but to expss nature, to find the most authentic beauty of nature and restore it.

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化


In pursuit of more pure poetic expssion, the space structure brings the original appearance of materials into the concise form, and connects the moving lines and clues of the space, so that peoples body and mind can be relaxed to the maximum extent. Respect for human beings and reverence for natural materials are the future life trend, and also the design aesthetics advocated by JSCC.

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化


Fastidious proper space builds every detail to fit the thought of dweller and life. From the experience of space to the interptation of the products character, and then to the psentation of lifestyle, it all boils down to the expssion of a value concept “returning to the simple elegance”.

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

JSCC 创始人及创意总监

清隽灵动的自然美学 JSCC 极舍文化

JSCC 联合创始人及设计总监




2020-12-26 15:22:15


S C D 身居繁华,心归自然

2020-12-26 21:22:07

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