匀 璞珥设计



Lagom, a word embraced and practiced by the Swedes, which means a life philosophy that Nothing more or less than, it is just right.


It is a comfortable state where everything is just right and fits your mind, also a life that is not complicated and simple. It focuses on moderate work and entertainment, achieves harmony between all aspects. Lagom, it perfectly handles the proportions of everything in our life. As Confucius said, Going too far is as bad as not going far enough., the concept of balance in Chinese culture shows a just right state.

匀 璞珥设计

Not Complex · Not Simpleness


In the tranquil atmosphere, do not let the the minimalism of Danshari(断捨離)[1] (Yamashita, 2020) itself become the protagonist. Also do not let elaborate and complicated adornment become a focal point.


The duplex house is shaped with agile type, simple style and a design that is neither complex nor simple. Without the pssure of distractions, also return the original life function to the space. One point, one line and one side, all of them are appropriate, giving the owner a comfortable and free environment.

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

▲ 一层布局采开放式规划,并以大面窗引光挹注明亮感;另呼应屋主生活习惯,以展示书柜取代电视墙。

The layout of the first floor adopts an open plan and use the large window to draw light and inject the sense of brightness; in addition, it also echoes the living habits of the homeowner, replacing the TV wall with a display bookcase.

The Order · The Rhythm


With an orderly design technique, carry on carding and neat arrangement to the space to make whole environment look to be to have seriality.


Just, in the seemingly clean atmosphere of space, the interface processing has a rhythmic design. For example, the correspondence between the grille and the lines of the lobby, or the part of the stairwell, all reflect the rhythm of spatial breathing, just like a musician Bach, his works not only has the aesthetic feeling of strict structure, but also has the lively and clever vitality, the balance order and the rhythm of these two relations.

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

▲ 规整排列的格栅,采取斜角排列,让光影随时序转动展现多变的美感,是一种自然的律动。

The neatly arranged grilles are arranged at oblique angles, allowing the light and shadow to rotate in sequence at any time to show the changeable beauty, which is a natural rhythm.

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

▲ 大餐桌除了用餐,还是娱乐、玩耍、手工的多功能场域;而紧邻厨房的位置,让妈妈在做饭时也能看顾小孩。

In addition, to grand dining table is a multifunctional arena for entertainment, play and craftsmanship; and the location next to the kitchen allows mother to take care of their children while cooking.

The Quietness · The Activity


There are no fancy decorations, but gray, white and warm wood colour, which depicts a sense of tranquil and artistry of the space. Outlining an atmosphere of artistic conception and let the mind relax as soon as you step into the space, relaxation can also be achieved in the meditation room.


But look like with quietness the space that gives priority to tone, however faint float is moving breath. Using colourful furniture opportunely endows a space a small taste that is not monotonous and not boring. And the colour distribution of the essence instead of being overbearing, it creates a lively and relaxed atmosphere, maintaining the “just right” aesthetic of harmony between dynamic and static.

匀 璞珥设计

▲ 颜色低调的空间点缀彩色家具,宁静中平添活跃气息。

The low-key colour space is decorated with colourful furniture, which adds lively atmosphere to the quiet.

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

▲ 小朋友玩耍不一定都在沙发上,在窗台铺个垫子、地毯,即是小孩的游戏区。

Children do not always play on the sofa. Putting a mat or carpet on the windowsill where is also a childrens play area.

匀 璞珥设计

▲ 与餐厅相邻的视听室,是爸爸看球赛、一家人看电影的地方;并针对移门特别安装”软木”,可当作”告示板”使用。

The audio-visual room adjacent to the dining room is the place where father watches football matches and the family watches movies; the sliding door is specially equipped with cork wood, which can be used as a bulletin board.

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

▲ 身为飞行教员的男屋主需要放松、静心、独处空间;在二层规划冥想室完成期待。

As a flight instructor, the male homeowner needs a space for solitude to relax and meditate; expectations are fulfilled in a planned meditation room on the second floor.

The Clearness · The Fuzzy


Boundary of space no longer limited to the traditional framework, with design that by clear and fuzzy coexist. Opening the natural dialogue between human and human, space and space, human and space. This will make the relationship between each functional space both independent and intimate, also the layout arrangement is reasonable and appropriate.


So, the definition of quiet zone and dynamic zone is no longer a habitual arrangement of upstairs and downstairs, is planned according to the needs of users. Accordingly, there should be a quiet sleeping area has a gaming cabin, and the living room of one family can also become a space of self-intoxicated by books. Through the design of feedback expectation, the home space can be shaped with static in dynamic and dynamic in static.

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

▲ 小木屋与儿童房连结,需要攀爬、玩乐的,就在这里。

The cabin is connected to the childrens room, where the climbing and fun facilities are located.

匀 璞珥设计

▲ 小孩玩耍空间是屋主小时候的愿望,贴心设计小木屋来实现它。

Children’s play space is the desire of the house owner when he/she was a child, and it is realised through the intimate design of the cabin.

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

▲ 主卧室与小孩房中间有道玻璃隔断,以移门为开关,让刚刚独立的小孩能随时看到妈妈。

There is a glass partition between the master bedroom and the kids room, and the sliding door is used as the switch, so that the newly independent children can see their mother at any time.

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

▲ 衣帽间两侧分别连结主浴及洗衣区,且在同一条动线上有利于节省屋主的时间。洗衣区放置洗衣机、烘干机,并有操作台,方便洗完就挂。

The two sides of the cloakroom are connected to the main bath and laundry area respectively, and the same action line is conducive to saving the owners time. Washing machine and dryer are placed in the laundry area, and there is an operation table, which is convenient for hanging after washing.

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

▲ 满足屋主一家四口人一起泡澡的需求,在浴室现场以”中国黑火烧面石”打造大浴缸。

Meeting the needs of the owners family of four to take a bath together, a large bathtub was built with Chinese black fire surface stone in the bathroom site.

匀 璞珥设计

匀 璞珥设计

秾纤合度,一个用以形容身材适宜的成语,沿用至空间设计,则是意图贴近使用者需求的合理设计,是多一分太重、少一分太轻 的”刚刚好”美学。

“Nong Xian He Du (秾纤合度)”, an idiom used to describe a well-proportioned figure. If used with the space design, this means that a reasonable design that is intended to meet the needs of users. It is the just right aesthetic with one more point is too heavy, one less point is too light.


颠覆空间格局,打造个性居所 ANG STUDIO新作

2021-1-17 23:09:40


63㎡ 暖灰一居室,“氛围感”十足!

2021-1-17 23:10:29

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