【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

巴西建筑师Guilherme Torres是一位完美主义者,这位建筑师于2001年以他的名字创立了自己的公司,他喜欢在充满创造力和热情的年轻人的包围下工作。他的设计体系显示了清晰的线条管理和自由浮动的体块。将传统与现代主义相结合,测试材料的极限,设计新的结构和表面——甚至在他的家具中,总是避免单调和平凡。

Brazilian architect Guilherme Torres is a perfectionist, who founded his company in 2001 under his name, and likes to work surrounded by creative and passionate young people. his design system shows clear line management and free-floating bulk. Combining tradition with modernism, testing the limits of materials, designing new structures and surfaces —— even in his furniture, always avoiding monotony and commonplace.

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情


Light House

Light House位于巴西圣保罗。它位于城市的中心区域,却建在一个绿树成荫的社区里。这意味着它拥有一个好的居住环境。住宅非常宽敞,平整的空间,现代化的家具,黑色地毯让空间有了分量感,造型独特的茶几与挂画提升了这里的格调。

Light House is located in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Located in the heart of the city, it is built in a tree-lined community. This means that it has a good living environment. Housing is very spacious, flat space, modern furniture, black carpet so that the space has a sense of weight, unique shape of tea table and hanging painting to enhance the style here.

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【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情


The house is very bright, with multiple openings and uses materials that reflect natural light. To this end, minimalist aluminum and glass frames are widely used. In this big restaurant, you can meet a holiday dinner.

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【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情


With lime raw materials, natural gray tone. Most importantly, the roof of the house was transformed into a childrens recreation room as a play space for three children.

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

Orange House

Orange House位于巴西圣保罗,是一座现代别墅。蓝天白云下的混凝土建筑显得格外自然。混凝土、绿树、石材,以及其他天然材料营造出淳朴、自然的空间感。

Orange House is a modern villa in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The concrete buildings under the blue sky and white clouds are particularly natural. Concrete, green trees, stone, and other natural materials create a simple, natural sense of space.

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【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情


Combined with floor windows and empty design, light can flow freely in each space, creating a bright atmosphere. As long as a look up, the eyes are all lush green plants.

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

DF House位于巴西圣保罗地区,平整的天花板中和层次丰富的空间布局,整体搭配十分自然和谐。被绿植包围仿佛身处森林之中,为生活增添了更多的幸福感。深浅的对比消除了单调,大量的木制定制家具使得身处其中更加舒适。

DF House is located in Sao Paulo, Brazil, flat ceiling and rich spatial layout, the overall collocation is very natural and harmonious. Surrounded by green plants as if in the forest, for life to add more happiness. Deep and shallow contrast eliminates monotony, and a large number of wooden custom furniture makes it more comfortable.

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【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情


This is a restaurant, but a little more plain, more like a place to talk to friends. The partition formed by the lockers did not raise to the ceiling, leaving space to create a sense of breathing.

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情


The bedroom uses more wood to enhance the softness of the space. The plush carpet makes it more friendly. Indirect lighting with arc space, optimize the overall atmosphere, give a private, soft feeling.

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

Parallel House


This is a 463 square meter house in Sao Paulo, Brazil, built in the 1980s, with a beautiful concrete beam structure. Colorful decoration makes the space full of Brazilian customs, each color can find the echo point. In this house, the floor is made of semi-polished white granite.

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【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情


The dining room and the living room are divided by a white wall, unlike the living room, the dining room is more soothing and calm. Two green plants echo outdoor, two photographic works become the visual center.

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【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情


Paint from polymer cement in swimming pools updates exposed concrete structures, while steel strips containing external designs are painted in graphite tones. landscaping uses only three species as the goal is to enhance and coordinate with architecture.

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【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

V2 House是一座1100平方米的住宅,位于圣保罗最高端社区之一的中心地带。原来的房子是新古典主义风格,经过一番斟酌,改造为一个当代艺术作品,住户是一位音乐人。客厅黑白旋转的黑白色块正如钢琴黑白键。

V2House is a 1100 square meter home in the heart of one of Sao Paulos highest-end communities. The original house is a neoclassical style, after some deliberation, transformed into a contemporary work of art, the household is a musician. The room black and white rotating black and white block as piano black and white key.

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【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情


Internal space takes geometry as the element, opens the internal space, creates the new structure. White Brazilian marble material, in contrast to fine ebony products.

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【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情


The kitchen is wrapped in log material to create a warm and fashionable atmosphere. The hollowed-out staircase creates a feeling of light floating and creates a unique atmosphere in a pure white environment.

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【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情


The living space on the second floor has plenty of sunshine, with blue as the main tone, bold texture to use, so that it is full of wild, of course, without losing comfort.

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

【Interno Iza Gajewska】来自巴西的火热风情

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :DesignBest

撰文 Writer :Sherry 排版 Editor:Fin

图片版权 Copyright :Interno Iza Gajewska



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