葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处


The history of human development is also a history of coexistence and struggle with crises. From natural disasters to wars and even pestilence and diseases, they are constantly changing the development trend of human history and influencing peoples thinking and life style in every era.


It is pdicted that after 2020, we will be living in a post-epidemic era for a long time. We dont know what the world will be like after the epidemic, but no matter where the epidemic takes us, the relationship between people, people and nature and life should be the origin of design discussion.

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

融创·首创 武汉经开国际智慧生态城市位于武汉经济技术开发区智慧生态城,是2020年疫情复工后的首批次武汉重大项目。特殊的时间、地点,给予了设计看待和思考城市与人居生活的新角度。

Located in the smart eco-city of Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone, Sunac is one of the first major projects in Wuhan after the epidemic resumed work in 2020. The special time and place give the design a new Angle to look at and think about the city and human life.


It is no longer a building complex that only exists as a physical entity. When space is connected with the context of urban development, the functional center gradually transforms into a value center, and it begins to become an energy field that links the relationship between people, life and the city.

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处


In addition to the strict physical boundaries, the whole space plans the functional areas and arranges the moving lines in a circular and roundabout curvilinear distribution. Through a symbiosis relationship of diversity, independence and compatibility in the same space, it forms an open and spacious spatial form, just like an urban exhibition hall.


The whole glass curtain wall has a large view for daylighting, and the soft decoration complies with the overall structure of the space, combing and extending on this basis, forming a dialogue with peoples real feelings. The curved screen is like the faint and faint clouds in the distance as a natural support, and the addition of the marble lamp makes all these soft and curved backgrounds a focal point.

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处


The first floor space is mainly around the art step ladder, and the function area is embedded by the concave-convex relationship of the space curve. The stout and cold mirror stainless steel is revealing the artistic quality of avant-garde, and the image of bud shape is repsenting the vitality of new life, the illusory bubble that growth device spits out ceaselessly, be like the new sound that life grows.

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处


The strong contrast between the material and the device endows the space with the natural power of art and life in the open and gentle undulation of the scene. The disappearance and emergence of bubbles is also the cycle and change of life.

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处


Negotiation area with natural color system as the medium, through more interesting and memory point expssion, such as streamlined multi-person sofa, high back single sofa to increase privacy. The large floor lamp placed in the space, combined with the ultra-wide glass wall, is like a leisurely cloud, blooming in the space. Through immersive space experience, people can fully integrate into the space itself.

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处


While continuing the overall tonality, the space on the second floor extends the vitality of the space to the apex with the gesture of a floating whale device leaping to the top. The circular ceiling at the top, like an outlet in the urban forest, guides the whales to light and rebirth.

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处


Whale is a huge ancient creature, the free leaping figure symbolizes the courage of the life force. In the initial scheme planning, the designer hoped to convey the thinking of the project on ecological nature and future life through the biological form of whales — in Sunacs urban planning of 14 million square meters, to redefine the future life of the city as a builder of a beautiful city.


The way the whale swims upward, it seems to feel the call. The huge volume and the dense lightness of optical fiber materials achieve a perfect balance between the weight, carrying the weight of life but always swimming toward the light posture, delivering a positive power to the people in the space.

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处


The afternoon sun is half tilted, and with the huge window views in the view, we create a natural and relaxing reading area. The simple but elegant and light material and fabric texture expss the general quiet space language with nature. The jumping local green is like the plants spading outside the window. Under the mapping of sunlight, it reveals the vitality of the space.

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

儿童区从艺术家Daniel Arsham的艺术雕塑中获得启发,打造了以“未来考古”为主题的儿童专属空间。充满趣味性的动物装置、玩偶随意散落各处,不规则的桌椅与柔软的色块地毯,与空间不规则的构造方式达成某种平衡,自在而不受拘束,是孩子们的互动和游戏时间。

Inspired by artist Daniel Arshams art sculptures, the Childrens Zone is dedicated to children with the theme of Future Archaeology. Interesting animal installations and dolls are scattered everywhere at will. Irregular tables and chairs and soft carpets with color blocks balance the irregular structure of the space. It is free and unrestrained for children to interact and play.

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

项目名称:融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市

Project Name: Sunac · Pioneer International Smart Ecological City in Wuhan Economic Development District

Project Address: Wuhan, China

Project area: 4500㎡


Soft decoration design: LSD InteriorDesign


Installation art: Artless

Hard design: CCD

Architectural Design: AOE

Space photography: a thousand degrees of vision

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处


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葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

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葛亚曦新作 融创·首创 武汉经开区国际智慧生态城市售楼处

内容策划 / Presented

策划 Producer :知行

排版 Editor:Tan 校对 Proof:Tan

图片版权 Copyright :原作者


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