摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

红与黑的颠覆 The red of subversion – 《摇滚红与黑》的舞台以视觉与故事情节取胜,在经典与现代的碰撞中与大众产生共鸣,这是舞台剧的魅力所在。对于元禾大千来说,空间故事与艺术的融合也是设计的魅力所在。 The stage of the red rock winning by visual and plot, in classical and modern collision resonates with the masses, this is the beauty of the stage. For yuan wo fills the space story is also the charm of design and art fusion..

红与黑 设计搭配中永远的顶流

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


Story begins with the climax of the space, as in the red rock ups and downs of the plot. The red is the colour collocation of all classic combination. Red passion immersed cold warm, dark, place the plot in the collision, with the surrounding white collocation, have individual character and style.

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


A major visual element, exquisite clapboard in shades of black space with lights out the look and feel of the mysterious. Line feels strong furniture combination of telling the story space, interptation and cool beauty life, showing strong artistic breath space.

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


Designer build a sun in the space, the invisible light psent in one of the most romantic art form.

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

红与黑光与影 解读空间密码

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


If the design depicts the space itself, the complete interptation of the space between light and shadow, the soul. The sun shined through the glass walls, and play on the table and eat chair, lighting Angle changes over time, with different color for different medium.

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


Become a solitary individual character space expssion of the popular element, sculpture art and floral organ, strong color, with interesting beyond daily. Sun flower, find elegant balance between the false or true.

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


Senior gray tone will be introduced to the atmosphere of the space of a kind of comfortable state. Strewn at random asymmetric chandelier, plaid clapboard and leopard style of cushions, with a little red to create the space visual sense. Through different skin texture and texture collision between material quality.

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


Emotion is the art of living, and space bearing life. The spatial layout of relaxation, wooden wall warm color brought warmth into space, tie-in bright face multiple fantasy art installation bring for the life, the pursuit of beauty of minimalist design and at the same time, create a free and comfortable home atmosphere.

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


Irregular arc desk, in the form of asymmetric break sequence space feeling, weaving through the composition is the most outstanding sculpture little interest, build dynamic texture at the same time satisfy the collection and office functions.

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


Sizes of star art installation on the wall, make whole room atmosphere is lively, belongs to the childs travel space, break insipid and grow up with the time.

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


Met and space to think about the psent, appeal, build a belongs to the spiritual world of young, realization of life and without boundary. Designer overturn traditional residential space design, studio and living space, to create free ideal state of life.

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


Life is diverse, to follow the new things and focus on interest of life.

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作


In social attribute demand higher lounge, we reduce the space on the soft outfit display visual focus, choose low back of a chair of sofa furniture, circumference and manner, emphasized conversations intimacy and comfort. Under a variety of materials and color mixing, multivariate space open life design experience.

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

项目全名 | 花样年-龙湖春屿溪岸叠拼样板间 项目地址 | 四川成都 软装设计 | 元禾大千 硬装设计 | 重庆柒里室内设计有限公司 设计时间 | 2020.07 完工时间 | 2020.12 空间面积 | 258㎡ 特别支持 | 花样年-龙湖 摄影团队 | 冷風

摇滚红与黑 元禾大千新作

元禾大千,是一个以艺术为驱动⼒的软装设计品牌。专注于售楼中心、样板间、酒店、会所等公共空间,以深度、全面、专业的态度提供从空间装饰设计、艺术定制化生产、采购到落地布场、推广宣传等各环节的整体项目设计管理服务。 元禾大千诞生自2007年,前身为大千画廊,在空间装饰领域沉淀20余年,目前总部设在重庆,拥有深圳、成都、杭州三家分公司,员工逾200人,项目遍布全国。本着艺术成就空间价值的服务理念,多年来长期与国内知名房地产开发企业共同发展,用艺术化的空间装饰助力项目价值成就。


180㎡简约大平层,温和质感的湖畔住宅 南筑设计

2021-3-26 17:09:46



2021-3-26 17:11:14

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