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感受Carvalho Araújo的经典设计之美

Carvalho Araújo拥有一支由建筑师,产品设计师,传播设计师和形象组成的跨学科团队。 同时,我们为每个项目建立特定的合作伙伴关系,以便向客户提供全球解决方案。
Our studio has a multidisciplinary team composed by architects, product designers, communication designers and image. Simultaneously we establish specific partnerships for each project, in order to psent the customer with a global solution.
01 Carvalho Araújo Casa na Praça Mouzinho de Albuquerque

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The project “Casa na Praça Mouzinho de Albuquerque” repsents the materialization of an exercise of spatial organization within an urban plot with a complex configuration. The location of the building – in one of the main squares in the historic center of Braga, in Portugal – determined the option to pserve the existing volume and façades, and also some characteristic elements inside.

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The intervention focused on accommodating a family program properly adjusted to the spatial needs and facilities that are currently required, finding in the existing volumetry a reason (not a condition) for the distribution and design of the spaces.

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The narrowing of the lot on the back facade was one of the biggest challenges in terms of spatial distribution, since it was tried in the interior not to lose the original amplitude of some spaces – namely the room – neither the pvalence and location of the original kitchen. The use of the roof slope – especially in the children’s rooms – allowed to reduce the pssure of the required area for the remaining compartments of the house.

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At the back of the plot, a new construction appears that frees itself from the formal and plastic language of the existing one, simultaneously assuming a gesture of rupture and continuity with the existing building, by extending the material of the floor and the back facade. The house results from this transition between spaces and the continuity between the p-existence and the new constructions.

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02 Carvalho Araújo Casa na Caniçada

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项目坐落于葡萄牙维埃拉多米尼奥(Vieira do Minho)的山谷密林中,毗邻Caniçada水库。场地周边的原生植物与植被密度被最大程度地保留了下来,使建筑隐于自然之中,接受自然的庇护。
Casa na Caniçada is located in a densely wooded area next to the Caniçada reservoir, in Vieira do Minho (Portugal). In the outer space, the intervention was minimized in order to pserve the density of the vegetation, ensuring the feeling of protection provided by the natural surroundings of the land.

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The volumetry of the existing building was the starting point for the definition of a new volume that consists of three floors and where a traditional single-family housing program is distributed. The most intimate program is located on the highest floor, while the social program is spad over the remaining two.

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感受Carvalho Araújo的经典设计之美

On the lower floor, the house “opens up” to the site, as an invitation to enjoy the surrounding nature. But it is on the middle floor that the house takes on greater expssion through two large openings in opposite facades – one ensures the entrance to the house and the other “frames” the landscape facing the reservoir. Together, they ensure a greater sense of continuity between the exterior and the interior and the visual permeability between the arrival path – through the densely wooded hillside – and the Caniçada reservoir.

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03 Carvalho Araújo Geres House

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Gerês 住宅坐落在Canicada山谷里的一个斜坡上,那里有一个小房子和一条小溪流。小房子位于一片容易形成山体滑坡的地面上,这也让业主最终决定要将其拆除并选择新的地点重新建造。

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感受Carvalho Araújo的经典设计之美

感受Carvalho Araújo的经典设计之美


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2021-5-17 17:28:15



2021-5-17 23:10:15

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