从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计


Within the granite-covered walls of Aesop Sydney lies a newly installed surreal, other-worldly form, which provides a unique opportunity for sensory explorations. From discovering the aromatic fables behind Aesop’s fragrances for the body and home to imbuing clothes with compelling scents, this enveloping environment plays host to a series of unique olfactory experiences.

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计

Sensorium 与国际知名建筑师 Snøhetta 合作设计,其迷人的曲率参考了空气中弥漫的香味波。这种结构既引人注目又引人入胜;它的粉红色调与周围的钢和灰色纹理形成鲜明对比,而其不规则的拱形入口则为前方的沉浸式旅程提供了诱人的介绍。

Designed in partnership with internationally renowned architects Snøhetta, the Sensorium’s intriguing curvature references waves of scent diffusing through the air. This structure is as striking as it is inviting; its dusty pink tone sits in stark contrast with the surrounding palette of steel and textured grey, while its irregular arched entrances provide an alluring introduction to the immersive journey ahead.

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计


The interior instils a sense of calm, but also curiosity, inviting inquisitive minds and noses to uncover the stories behind Aesop’s unconventional fragrances. Candles flicker in three elegant stone cavities, emitting scents inspired by the cosmos. A crescent of bottles lies in wait, ready to be explored. A cabinet stands in the corner, concealing captivating stories. Together with an Aesop consultant, these mysteries are soon explored.

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计

首先,到柜子——被称为香水衣橱——一个有趣的入口,进入伊索越来越多的身体和家庭香气。衣橱朴素的外观打开了一个内心世界,顾客可以在其中浏览伊索的七种香水,而他们的外套或围巾则在浸泡室中充满了他们选择的香味。旅程在大理石定向桌前继续,展示了对调香师 Barnabé Fillion(许多这些迷人作品背后的鼻子)的采访以及受该系列启发的数字艺术作品。

First, to the cabinet—known as the Fragrance Armoire—an intriguing portal into Aesop’s growing range of aromas for the body and home. The unassuming exterior of the Armoire opens onto an inner world where customers can navigate through Aesop’s seven Eaux de Parfum while their coat or scarf is imbued with their chosen scent in an infusion chamber. The journey continues at a marble orientation table, showcasing interviews with perfumer Barnabé Fillion (the nose behind many of these captivating creations) and digital artworks inspired by the range.

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计

从香味波探索非常规香水背后的故事丨 Sensorium 与 Snøhetta 合作设计

香水配方复杂;在 Aesop,它从多方面的灵感开始,然后关注最能表达它们的成分,并以不分性别的令人回味的香气告终。在 Sensorium 的茧状结构中,游客有机会接触这种炼金术。

Fragrance formulation is complex; at Aesop it begins with multifaceted inspirations, proceeds with attention to the ingredients that might best give them expression, and culminates in evocative aromas that know no gender boundaries. Inside the Sensorium’s cocoon-like form, visitors are provided with an opportunity to engage with this alchemic art.

[Images courtesy of Aesop.]



2021-12-3 19:34:53



2022-1-5 13:55:35

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